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Job hunting during a Pandemic

Looking for a new job is a difficult endeavor in the best of economic times but add the chaos of Covid-19 and it can feel insurmountable. Where to start, who to call, what to expect – all questions that swirl in your head beside the emotional stress and fear of being unemployed (or underemployed).

Working as an executive coach, with many years of recruitment experience under my belt, has given me the privilege of perspective. Sharing that perspective is an important part of contributing to other peoples’ success.

If you are looking for a new opportunity right now and you were to ask me what my advice would be, here’s what I would tell you:

1. Take a moment (or two) to figure out what you actually want. Work on reframing your current situation, especially if you have found yourself as one of the many Covid-casualties. Learn from the pause that has been ‘gifted’ to you. Take the time to re-evaluate your career goals. Do you really know what you want? This can be a challenging activity for many and is a key objective that a career coach can support you in exploring. If you expand the breadth of what you want, you open up more options for where you might fit.

2. Leverage Your Connections. Tell everyone in your network that you’re open to new opportunities and be sure to be clear on what you’re looking for. Be open, honest and ask for help. This is exactly what your network is for.

3. Lean into your agility. Ensure you’re aware of your comfort level with in-person and remote work and be up front about it. Your level of agility can help expand or shrink the scope of what you’re looking for.

4. Adapt to the world we are currently in. Upgrade your virtual interview skills – how familiar are you with the virtual tools being used in today’s recruitment process? Pay attention to the room you take your virtual interviews in. Dress the same way for a virtual interview as you would if you were doing it in-person. Update your resume and highlight the skills this new remote world is (finally) appreciating.

5. Be kind to yourself. Looking for a job is a full-time job with its own set of stresses and upheaval. Respect the process, set realistic goals and timelines, trust yourself and ask for help. We all need to be a little easier on ourselves these days.

6. Ask for help. Everyone needs support. It’s one of the reasons people like me do this kind of work. It takes a collective – and I’ve got a great one. Reach out and let’s see how we can help move you forward.

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